It is essential for your skin to produce sweat. It does so to maintain the body temperature. But through a long day, you find yourself smelling really awful. To save your self from the inevitable Body Odor (B.O.), deodorants are your rescue route. While the sweat itself does not smell, it is the bacteria on your skin breaking down the sweat which breeds the unpleasant smell.
Spray deodorants are exclusive body perfumes known to kill off these bacteria on your skin. It does not close the sweat glands to hinder your normal temperature controller (like the old deos did in the past). Instead, it saves you from smelling bad by getting rid of the root cause.
Best Deodorants
While deodorants do not do anything like they show in the TV commercials (acting as a magnet for girls) but it does have a metaphorical meaning.With deodorant sprays (gas or no gas), you smell good and it builds up the confidence within you. You can do what you are doing, without the insecurity of being judged due to unpleasant Body Odor.
As brands like Addiction and Moods have stepped up in the body perfume industry, the competition has become stiff. You can find different types of deodorants like the old ones which are meant to be rubbed in the underarms. They temporarily block the pores forming sweat but it is unhealthy.
The other kinds are the spray deodorants. These are further classified into Alcohol free (safe on all types of skin), Gas spray (to apply evenly on body) and the Liquid spray (to last longer). It is up to you to choose the deodorant you want to use, but do avoid the solid ones blocking your sweat glands.
Moods IGNYTE And AXN Deos For Men 200ml
Regular Price: Rs.440
Special Price Rs.250
(43% off)
Moods IGNYTE And HAWTT Deos For Men 200ml
Regular Price: Rs.440
Special Price Rs.250
(43% off)
Moods IGNYTE And MISCHIF Deos For Men 200ml
Regular Price: Rs.440
Special Price Rs.250
(43% off)
Moods IGNYTE And Wyld Deos For Men 200ml
Regular Price: Rs.440
Special Price Rs.250
(43% off)