
Sex Tips for the Newly Wed

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Sex Tips – If you are a newly wed couple, pretty much everything is new in your life, including your sex life. Since it might be the first time you both will be indulging together physically, so there are a lot many things for the man and the woman to know.

The first night discussion

You might be getting a lot many sex tips from your friends, family and acquaintances about your first night, but no one can seem to feel the same way you have. If you are comfortable discussing with your partner about the things you would love to do on your first night, there is no better way to make the night more romantic and lovely.

The first night discussion

Sex Tips to excite him for the first time

Sexy Lingerie
Wear a pretty and sexy lingerie on the first night to excite him. A naughty night dress would just do the magic. Shades of black, red and wine are the most popular for women first night. You can also pick the lingerie of his favorite color.

Striptease on the first night will surely make him go ga ga for you. Thongs, corset, baby doll all can be used for the striptease. A dim light effect can be great for the two of you when you are coming close together for the first time. Get sex products online.

Surroundings make all the difference and you surely don’t want to make your first night a bad one. Light scented candles, rose petals on the floor and in glass vases on table can make the room look serene and perfect for your first romantic night.

Tips to excite her for the first time

Play it dirty:
Some women love men who play it dirty on the first night. Foul play can be a great way to start your love night and attract your lady love close to you.
Make her feel comfy:
Since it is the first time you both are getting close together you need to make sure that she is feeling comfortable with you. If anything the matter, you can discuss with her.
Do whatever she wants: Do whatever your women wants you to do, love bites, pressing her breasts or whatever she wants.
Watching porn:
Some women also love to watch porn movies with hubby, if your women loves to do so, get her to watch a movie with you and make her feel excited. After the porn movie, you both can indulge in great sex activity.

Tips to excite her for the first time

Being together

The first night is definitely about the two of you getting involved with each other, but you also need to understand that an open channel of communication with your partner will go a long way in having a great sex life or know what he /she wants more from you. The fun of discussing everything with your partner makes it much easier for the two of you to not shy away but discuss openly about sex and what your sexual desires are. You can also buy online condoms and female dildos for extra pleasure.

About the Author


Aditi is a student of women sexology. Her reaserach subject is "Premature Ejaculation in Indian Men & Sexually Starved Indian Women". She writes blogs for sexual education. Her focus always is "Sexual Emancipation of Indian Women - Why Go Hungry".

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