Porn and Youth

Sex Games can really spice up your sex life. Try these super hot ones to spice up your sex life – we guarantee you’ve never done THESE sex games! There’s a time in all relationships when the sex can get mundane. Knowing exactly how long the foreplay is, what positions you’re going to do and […]
These days it’s easy to get caught up in the daily-grind called ‘life’ and before we know it, self-love and pleasure seem to be placed on the back burner. Before long we begin to feel frustrated and annoyed (often blaming our lovers) for the lack of pleasure and satisfaction we feel in our everyday life. […]
You’re not quite sure how or when it happened. You used to have so much passion in bed, but suddenly your sex life just isn’t what it used to be. By 10 p.m. you’re more interested in Master Chef Australia than in a steamy session with your partner. Even when you do work up the […]