
Great sex tips for women

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Great sex tips for women – You don’t need to wait for a special occasion to surprise your lady in the bedroom. You can turn her up anytime. Make your sex life exciting and full of colors with some new position, acts and moves. Do you know what your girl wants? She has some fantasies; we are here to give you an idea about those hidden fantasies.

Start with well-placed kisses

If you always go down directly, your situation is really pathetic. To create magic, you can start with well-placed kisses. Touch her on some unusual sections of her body. Kiss on her neck, back, ear and other sensitive parts. It is a seamless way to turn her on. After a few minutes, you will find your lady in ultimate mood.

Start with well-placed kisses

Have a dirty discussion

You don’t have to react like a gentleman all the time especially in the bedroom. Your lady actually wants to see your naughty and mischievous side. Hold her and have a discussion over the things you are going to do with her. Let her know what you feel about her acts, moves and body. It will motivate her to do exactly what you want with utmost excitement and energy.

Love her in the way she wants

When you are not paying attention to the upper part of a lady’s body, you are actually making her upset. Women love the way their men kiss and lick their breasts. Give her some sweet bites to show how much desperate you are about her.

Love her in the way she wants

Let her dominate

It is quite normal that men take the charge in the bedroom. Isn’t it great to experience your lady love as a boss in the bedroom? Believe it or not, but your lady will feel wow. Let her ride you for a time being and motivate her for what she is doing.

Watch porn together

Some men believe that women don’t like adult stuff and porn movies. Initially, it feels a little awkward. But, when you are into it, a porn movie can help both of you to try something new in a different manner. It can take the excitement to the next level.

Explore the sport

Most women have a secret desire that her man explore the sport instead of just aggressively start fucking. Women want her men to explore the spot and touch it with love, passion and care. It makes them feel that you care about her.

Explore the sport

Know her fantasies

You must be aware about the fantasies she has. Some fantasies can be executed only when you take the charge as women are shy and generally they don’t take the initiative. Tie her hands and take her. Sit with her and try to open her to know even the weirdest wish she has.

Go for adult shopping

To add some spices in your relationship, go for adult shopping. You can buy sex toys, lubes and supplements, etc. to improve your sex life. Explore the web and you can find a great range of sex care products online.

About the Author


Aditi is a student of women sexology. Her reaserach subject is "Premature Ejaculation in Indian Men & Sexually Starved Indian Women". She writes blogs for sexual education. Her focus always is "Sexual Emancipation of Indian Women - Why Go Hungry".

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