
Factors you should consider while selecting your first sex toy

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Buying a sex toy is not an easy task to do. There is no short cut to identify what will work for you without giving it a try. When you browse the internet, you can find a huge collection of sex toys and it can make the decision making process even confusing for novices. Most online sex toy shops claim for guaranteed satisfaction, but no one gives you a trial offer. It does not mean that you can’t buy a right sex. A good way to make a right choice is to buy something adaptable from a reliable brand. Pick something keeping in mind your specific expectations and sexuality in mind. If you want some advice on what to consider while selecting your first sex toy, you are here at right place.

Do some research and learn about your sexuality

Do you know what kind of stimulus you like the most? Do you have an idea what turns you on? If no, first understand your own desires as well as body. You must do it by your own through hand job. Try it without any toy and you will definitely come out with a thought.

first sex toy

Know what you want

Majority of people make a selection of sex toy on the basis of effectiveness and usefulness. But, the fact is every toy is made with some particular kind of people. Some people want a pleasure of masturbation while some others want to feel the satisfaction of intercourse with a sex toy. There is no fix rule to select a toy. Only you can understand what you what. Once you know your desires, you can choose a right category of adult products.

Solo or partner play

Some toys are designed for single and some are designed for couples. You need to determine whether you want to have fun alone or want to add some interest in your bond with your partner. When it is about solo play, you just need to think about your own. Buy online fleshlight and it will be a great choice on which you will never regret. But, when you are a couple, you need to buy something that is comfortable to use for both of you.

Solo or partner play

Quality is important

Select a toy carefully as it is not about fun, but it is also about your health and safety. Some toys can cause awful physical reaction or allergies. In order to avoid such issues, you should be assured about the quality. Don’t trust any random shop for adult products for women and men. You should choose a reliable brand to avoid any risk.

Your budget

This is the least important factor you need to focus on. You should not compromise with anything just to save some money. However, it is a good practice to compare the prices of different stores and select the best offers.
The above mentioned tips can surely help you to make a right decision in reference to sex toys.

About the Author


Aditi is a student of women sexology. Her reaserach subject is "Premature Ejaculation in Indian Men & Sexually Starved Indian Women". She writes blogs for sexual education. Her focus always is "Sexual Emancipation of Indian Women - Why Go Hungry".

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