The number of women who are not pleased with their men is really high. Apologies, gentleman, but it’s true. Even you can be bogus and impostor with her during your private moments. The main reason why men are not able to satisfy their girls is they actually don’t know what can make her excited.
For a man, it does not take time to get energized, but a woman takes time along with ‘his’ efforts. Not making her ready for it is a kind of cheating with her. With may have your own reasons, but do it with enthusiasm every time especially when you wish to see her in best form. No woman wants to have it on a daily basis, when she wants it; she wants you to be energized completely. The couples who get into it anytime just because they feel like getting sex over other things; they are actually making it lackluster.
Typically, the majority of men believe that they are satisfying their girls, but according to girls they get 70% of you only. Whether you feel like or not, it is time to learn about women orgasm. Don’t make your girl feel like she needs to pretend to enjoy sex every time. Make her enjoy it. If you don’t do something about it, there will be flat line between you and everything will become.
Understanding and communication is the key. To improve your sex life you need to be open up with in front of your partner. Usually, the girls have a habit to appreciate their men even they don’t mean it. Open up with her and read her body language. It is always recommended to communicate with her and ask about her preferences. No one can understand a girl’s body, mood and desires better than her. Believe me, once your girl opens up with you, your sex life with be filled with lots of vibrant colors.
If you are interested in feminine sexuality and know her tastes, you must do some research or you can simply ask her. One thing you need to understand is you are the one who will help her to achieve orgasm. Just like a man, every girl has some hidden desires and being her partner, you should show your interest in her. Try to explore her tastes and interests and talk to her about it frankly.
Remember, it is not about her only; it is about both of you. Some women don’t make noise while getting intimate as they feel; it awkward. But, if you enjoy it, let her know and encourage her to do so. Ask her to teach you about her orgasm and share what you like to have in bed to make every attempt breathtaking. The more you open in your bedroom, the better you will get.
Feel it, love it and live it together.
Aditi is a student of women sexology. Her reaserach subject is "Premature Ejaculation in Indian Men & Sexually Starved Indian Women". She writes blogs for sexual education. Her focus always is "Sexual Emancipation of Indian Women - Why Go Hungry".